Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome! The journey of life long learning has begun...

Welcome to Dog Ear Pages.

I believe reading and learning should be a constant motion in our lives just like water in a river. A river is always in motion growing and expanding. I want to do the same thing -- always growing and expanding my knowledge.

There are probably millions of blogs and websites dedicated to book reviews. I will not only talk about the books I am reading but also discuss the changes they are making in my life. I like to read biographies and self improvement books. I want to learn from people who have been there and are successful. That is where I want to be in my life one day in the near future.
Growing is a process. It takes patience like a baby learning to walk. Life is one step at a time listening to the instructions of others and learning from experience as well. I have been through a lot in my life. I have made good decisions but mostly wrong ones which has led me to this point in my life.
It’s time to start applying the knowledge and experience of others into my life. These people are successful for a reason. I am thankful that they have taken the time to put it into written words to help others of what they have learned.
Just think. These people have put in countless numbers of hours and years of research and work so I can gain new knowledge and insight in a few hours of reading.

The challenge comes when it is time to put those words into action. I can read all day long and never gain anything. Trust me. I've been there. I have read many books and said to myself how I enjoyed and learned so much from someone else's experience and expertise.
Did I really learn anything? Ten years later and I haven't moved more than two steps. Why? Application. I didn't take the time to make changes in my lifestyle and making better choices to steer myself into a new path of success for me and my family.

Insanity is doing the same thing again and again expecting different results. Change comes when I make changes in my daily habits and making the correct choices when faced with decisions that can change the course of my future.
I have always said I want to be in a better position next year in my finances, career and relationships with friends and family. What happens is the next year comes and comes again. I am floating in the same spot in the ocean of life just as I had the previous year.

Time for change people! This is my journey as I begin to make changes and apply myself to making differences in my daily habits. I will be more patient and evaluate my situation to make the correct decisions based on the information I have learned from the books I will be reading and sharing with everyone.
Join me and let’s take this journey together. Together we can impact the world around us like never before.

"My goal is to make a difference in my life therefore impacting the lives of others around me".

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